We all hit points when it seems like going on is next to impossible. When you’re already overwhelmed, it’s easy to talk yourself into giving up. But giving up too soon could cause you to miss out on success. You never know how soon you might start seeing progress if you hang in there... Read More

People with Unique Style of Working

Every individual in this world is different with respect to thought processes, beliefs and so on. Likewise there are many people who have distinguished themselves with their own unique style of working. Here are some of those: Umberto Eco – Philosopher and novelist Umberto Eco... Read More

A flight of chalk-covered doves

The cuckoo clock in the living room announces that the last hour of the day has begun. Light seeps into the corridor through the bottom of the door to Amma’s room. Looks like Amma– Sarada Teacher– has not yet retired for the day. ***** My earliest clear memory of Amma is... Read More

She’s Too Old! Or Is She?

- By Allen Alex Does education come with an expiry Date? Is there any written law that women's education should end with her marriage? Who decides all these rules? Society has advanced to such a great extent that a women’s identity is hidden behind her husband’s name. But as... Read More